
Minecraft XBLA logo

Minecraft XBLA logo
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Welcome to my Blog

I have created this blog in order to create an easy way to see some of the best creations that I have seen or made myself on the XBLA version on Minecraft! 

I feel that it is the right of any person to be able to comment so I have commenting available to everyone. If this is abused it will be removed!

Here is the fun stuff:

  1. This blog is 100% my opinion in choosing top MC projects.
  2. If you have a problem with that then close your browser now.
  3. If you want to comment, only comment if you have something good to say.
  4. Keep all comments clean or you will get a ban.
  5. Do not ask for permission to post. These will be given out to those who give the most to this blog after a certain period of time.
  6. If you see that content is given credit wrongly, please message or email me.
  7. If you wish to contact me, please visit my website.
  8. Important*** The more this blog is viewed, the more items that will be posted per day. Currently we are at 1 item per day. Now, a lot of these are really deep though 
  9. Thank you for taking the time to read this actually. :D

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